
It was like a downpour on patched land when the people of God got the message of the creation of their Diocese (Kumba Diocese) at midday on March 15th 2016. The euphoria echoed to all the ends of the Diocese. Indeed the demonstration of joy was profound when the first ever Bishop of Kumba Diocese the Most Reverend Father Monsignor Apapitus Nfon set his feet on Kumba Diocese soil. Praise, honour and glory to God who designs and sustains.
Six months after his installation, the Chief Shepherd of the Diocese of Kumba decided to assemble Christ Lay faithful in the Catholic Church Hall at St. John the Evangelist Parish Kumba Town for the organization of the first ever Council of the Lay faithful of Kumba Diocese.
On January 20th 2017, the council was structured with 12 members drawn from all the 4 deaneries of the Diocese. It was headed by Nhon MESUE Lucas Metame.
This Council was saddled with the responsibility of organizing all the Layfaithful into purposeful action to build the Diocese. It was as well charged to organize all Diocesan feasts and ceremonies.

They have equally played an advisory role to the Bishop as well as bringing the vision of the Chief Shepherd to the Christians.

They are responsibleĀ  for initiating collections not found in theĀ  church calendar. These include: Cathedraticum, Token to Priests, Gifts to the Bishop, Gifts to the Religious,Ā  Gifts to prisoners etc.

The council meets twice a year in her Ordinary General Assembly, and the Bureau meetingĀ  at least 4 times a year in formal circumstances. Laity Council institution has greatly facilitated the functional and operational processes of the Diocese. There is total collaboration between the Priest and Lay faithful. Through the Council, the lay faithful are greatly challenged in their priestly, kingly and prophetic mission of the church.

They have been very much integral and totally committed in their journey together in building something precious for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
